Day 3 - 2025

"Truly I tell you unless you change and become like children you will never enter the kingdom of heaven"

Mathew 18:3


Eleven years after our first Fun Day! It was a true blessing to be with our original sponsored children while seeing the "next generation" of Hillside sponsored children at play.

A great deal of logistical planning and work goes into this day. But it is so worth it for both the children and the team members. It is a wonderful time playing, sharing and praying with all our sponsored children. We spent the day doing things most of them almost never get to do. Each year the children become more involved and seem to really really benefit from the interaction between the teachers, kids, translators (some of whom are Compassion graduates) and sponsoring Hillsiders. It is a great joy to now see the older children often taking care of and supervising the new young sponsorees. The newest children have come from another one of the many ministries of our sister church Vision Celestial. Women of Vision, helping young mothers navigate childbirth (often difficult) and health challenges while raising an infant surrounded by poverty and often abusive living circumstances. 

"It was the best day ever". Quote from our youngest ever trip participant (13) who met and spent time with the 3 year old child he will be sponsoring. 

Allen and Terry Pennebaker for the D.R. team

See the video!


Day 4 - 2025


Day 2 - 2025