Join a group to build friendships with others and grow in your relationship with God.
See the options below, contact the leader for more details, or contact us to help you find a great fit.
Large groups typically gather together for a Bible lesson then break into smaller groups to discuss how to live it out.
Men’s (Kairos) Mondays 6:45-8:15PM, is open to all men who want to strengthen their walk with Christ through the study of the Bible, fellowship and prayer. Contact Pete.
Women’s (Oasis) Tuesdays 9:30-11:15AM, welcomes women of all ages for enriching teaching sessions, smaller group table discussion and a dedicated prayer time. We began our current series, The Questions Jesus Asked, on 1/7, but join any time by contacting Chris. Watch or listen to Oasis messages here.
Women’s (The Well) Wednesdays 7-8:30PM, offers a dip into the well that is God’s word, along with time to connect and pray in smaller table groups. Sign up or contact Natalie for more information. Our current study, Take Courage by Jennifer Rothschild, began 1/15, but join any time.
Mom’s Group (formerly MOPS, now MomCo) meets 1st and 3rd Thursdays 9:15-11:15AM, with childcare drop-off beginning at 9AM. Join this community of mothers with nursery-school-age children for gatherings filled with support, activities, and friendship. Sign up or contact Kerry for more details.
Youth Group (Student Ministries) meets Thursdays 7:00-8:45PM. Students from 6th-12th grade meet for a fun game, worship, Bible lesson, and grade-based small groups. Contact Pastor Stephen or Alice for details.
Small groups meet regularly to grow in their relationships with God and each other. Contact the leader for more details.
Special Needs (Avenues) 1st and 3rd Mondays 7-8:30PM, welcoming adults aged 23 and older with special needs, for a fun time of encouragement and support. For more information, please contact Tiffany.
Women’s Tuesday 7:00AM in Walnut Creek. Breakfast and fellowship at Buttercup restaurant. Contact Michele.
Prayer Tuesdays 12-1PM by Zoom, for all. Come any time to pray or receive prayer. Contact Sharon for details.
Men’s Wednesday 6:30-7:30AM at Hillside. We study mostly New Testament letters with everyone openly discussing applications to our everyday lives. Contact Larry.
Discovery Bible Study Wednesday 7-8:30PM in Walnut Creek. Come discover biblical truths through observation and discussion and enjoy getting to know and pray for others. Contact Mark and Jenny.
Bible Study Wednesday 7-8:30PM by Zoom. We discuss a book of the Bible and pray for each other. Contact Mike.
Bible Study Thursday 7-8:30PM in person at Hillside and by Zoom. Join our bible discussion, as we read through Romans and see how it applies to our lives today. Contact Wayne. Visit any time.
Men’s Lunch Group every other Friday 12-1PM in Lafayette. During our time we catch up, discuss a Bible passage, and pray for each other. Contact Wayne.
Sermon Study Saturday 9:30-11AM in Walnut Creek. A group of people in retirement who discuss the prior week's sermon and it's application, share, and pray for each other. Contact Jack.
Our classes vary in length from short, one-time sessions to 10-week courses, covering topics from Parenting to Theology. See the Class Schedule for details.