
  • Upcoming Memorial Services

    Gayle Schiller: Thursday, January 9, 2PM

    Betty Fusch: Saturday, January 11, 2PM

    Arthur Morris: Saturday, January 18, 2PM

  • Lunch Bunch
    Wednesday January 15, 11:30AM

    Everyone is invited to join us in Hillside’s Community Center for great food, fun and fellowship.

    This month we will be talking about safety for seniors, e.g. avoiding scams.

    Sign up at the Welcome Counter, or call (925) 934-1110 and leave a message so we can plan enough food. Hope to see you there!

    If you are able to stay after and help clean up that would be appreciated.

  • Micah 6:8 Project
    Sunday January 19, 7-8PM in Bergeson Hall 
    In observance of Martin Luther King Day
    The Micah 6:8 team invites you to join in a 60-minute guided discussion about Dr. King’s historic and inspired sermon called “Paul’s Letter To American Christians”. Delivered in 1958, his call to resist the temptations of material achievement and his appeal to become one-body-in-Christ is anchored in biblical themes and is considered relevant to this day. Printed copies of “Paul’s Letter to American Christians” are available to read prior to the discussion.
    Sign up or contact Doug for more information.

  • We'll gather at 5PM in the Community Center for a family dinner, and then move into the sanctuary to pray over our church and praise our Heavenly Father, led by Josh Lund. Consistent, confident, community prayer is indispensable for fruitfulness in our Hillside mission. The more people present, the stronger our prayers. Bring your kids! They will be fully included in this important church event. 

  • HillsideMen’s Conference                  Saturday, February 1, 2025


    Join your Hillside brothers for a one-day conference on the Hillside campus as we explore the relationship between science and faith and how both point to the power and glory of God.   

    Price: $40

    SIGN UP!

    Includes program content, continental breakfast and full lunch

    (Scholarships Available Contact:

    Featured speakers:
    Dr. Jeff Zweerink – UCLA Research Astronomer
    Joey Versace – Apologetics pastor

    Both of our speakers are from Reasons To Believe which is a group of scientists who confess Jesus as Lord and who believe that God can be revealed in the many discoveries of science.

  • Respite Day

    Next Respite Day - Saturday February 8, 2-5PM

    Three times a year, in February, May, and November, we provide 3 hours of respite for families in the community who have a child/children with special needs up to the age of 18. We take all of their children for a Saturday afternoon, and each child (including siblings) is provided a buddy. There is no fee for participation. If you know a family that might be interested in this Respite Day service contact Nathalie Sterne.

    Be a Buddy


    High school students and adults: Volunteer to be one-on-one “buddies” for the children who attend our next Respite Day. No special training is required. The best qualifications are people who smile and like to play with kids.

    Contact Ed Hultgren.

Do you have an event that you want to promote at Hillside?

Let us know by filling out the form below.