

    Palm Sunday

    9 & 1045AM


    Good Friday



    Easter Sunday

    9 & 10:45AM

    Breakfast 8-11AM | Egg Hunt 10AM

    At the Park 10AM

    Games & Egg Hunt after service

  • Building Great Relationships
    Tuesdays, 7:00–8:30PM at Hillside
    Dates: 2/25, 3/4, 3/18, 3/25, 4/1, 4/15, 4/22

    Join us for a 7-session small group designed to help you start and deepen relationships. During group interactions, you will discover how your style of relating impacts your ability to connect with others, and others to connect with you.

    Space is limited to 12 participants, so sign up soon! For more information or to register, email Pastor Wayne.

  • Marriage Panel 
    Sunday March 9, 12:15–1:30PM in the Connection Hall
    We will hear from couples at different stages of marriage, engage in discussion, and share together gaining wisdom, encouragement, and tools to apply at home.  Lunch and childcare provided. 
    Sign up here or contact Sarah for more details.

  • Becky and Ed's 50th Anniversary
    Saturday March 15 | 2-5PM | Community Center

    Becky and Ed Hultgren invite you to celebrate their 50th anniversary!
    RSVP by Wednesday, March 12 at or text Jennifer Hardin 925-231-5940.

  • Hillside at the Park Team Meeting
    Sunday March 16 | 12:15-1:30 | Community Center

    Park services are right around the corner! Join us in planning for this amazing local outreach. Sign up or contact Sarah for more information.

  • We invite you to join us for 10 weeks as we look at how the Lord equips every believer to LIVE FREE AND FRUITFUL in Christ—Galatians 5:1.

    Starting soon! Contact leader for time and location. 
    For women: contact Sharon
    For men: contact Jeff

  • Lunch Bunch
    Wednesday March 19, 11:30AM

    Everyone is invited to join us in Hillside’s Community Center for great food, fun and fellowship.

    Sign up at the Welcome Counter, or call (925) 934-1110 and leave a message so we can plan enough food. Hope to see you there!

    If you are able to stay after and help clean up that would be appreciated.

  • "Giant" Prayer Night
    Sunday March 23 | 5:15-6PM Dinner (RSVP) | 6-7:15PM Prayer

    Join your church family for a night of worship and prayer. The theme of our prayer time will be the “giants” we see before us (or the problems and struggles in our lives and world that seem unconquerable). We will be bringing these before the Lord with the expectation that some of these “giant” struggles will fall! RSVP for dinner.

  • Testimonies & Togetherness
    Friday March 28 | 7-9PM, Community Center

    Please join us for a special evening of connection and inspiration!
    We’ll play a fun game designed to strengthen friendships or make new ones, enjoy delicious snacks, and hear personal stories of faith. It's a time to grow together, my friends, and it will be better with YOU there.

    Sign up or contact Sierra Rubio

  • Lent & Easter Choir
    Rehearsals are on Thursday evening 7-8:30PM downstairs in Connection Hall.

    Please contact JIm Veltkamp for more information.

  • Trinity Center - Winter Dinners

    Sign up for the Winter Dinners Program and get involved in our community. Contact Rob for more information. 

  • Women’s Hike - 1st Saturday of the Month (4/5, 5/3)

    Hike in the local hills with other Hillside women. Get exercise, meet new friends, and invite old friends to join the fun! This hike will be around 3 miles, take around 1-1.5 hours, and include some steep hills. Dogs welcome! Sutherland Drive entrance in WC (off Walnut blvd).
    Sign up or contact Sheryl for more information.

  • Town Hall Meeting
    THIS Sunday March 9, after both services

    The Hillside Town Hall meeting to explain the potential use for undeveloped property will be on March 9th after both Services in the Student Center with a short site walk afterwards.

    The Hillside Community Engagement meeting with Parkmead & Hillside is confirmed on March 23rd at 12:15 in the Community Center and we will provide light food and drinks.
    Contact Steve for more information.

Do you have an event that you want to promote at Hillside? Let us know by filling out the form below.