Come share Christ and serve others with us.
Contact us to find a good fit or explore the options under Serve at Hillside, Local Outreach, and Global Outreach.
Join a Hillside team and help us do the good work that God has called us to do.
Welcome Team: We need smiling faces and cheerful hearts! Join the Welcome Counter team, parking team, ushers, set up and tear down. Contact Katie.
Care Team: Providing support when life is hard through meals, connection, handmade quilts, grief and caregiver support. And, having fun and showing love at 80+ birthdays and senior activities. Contact Pastor Jane.
Kids Ministry Team: Join a great team of nursery-5th grade helpers and teachers. Sign up to serve this fall! Contact Carley.
Student Ministry Team: Join middle and high school group leaders and co-leaders. Contact Pastor Stephen.
Kitchen Crew: If you love to make meals, decorate and organize this one is for you! Contact Michele.
Prayer Team: Pray for our church, community, and the world. Contact Sharon.
Worship Team: Help people connect with God through your musical talent, band, and related. Contact Dan.
Tech Team: If you know tech or want to learn we do several fun things: recording, photography, slides, livestream, sound board, and social media. Contact Jeriah.
Yardscape Team: Help keep the grounds of Hillside looking great! Nov-Feb is acorn, leaf, and twig patrol every Saturday 8-10AM! Contact Mark.
Finance Team: If you have finance or Quick Books background. Contact Mary.
Be a Buddy: Befriend and assist anyone with special needs on Sundays 11AM or with Avenues, contact Tiffany. To volunteer for one of our Respite Days, contact Ed.
Join us as we bless people in our local community and help them come to know Jesus.
Evangelism Team: Join us at DVC, Broadway Plaza, and UC Berkeley as we share the gospel with others. That may sound intimidating at first, but it is a lot of fun and we will help you each step of the way. Contact Pastor Wayne.
Foster Friends: CCFF provides critical and ongoing support to foster children and their caregivers in Contra Costa County. Frances Herrala.
Hands and Feet: Hands and Feet - East Bay focuses on meeting physical needs, like food or clothes, and being present, making a connection and showing up. Tony Collins.
Restore: Restore has been providing hope and restoration for the homeless and addicted in Contra Costa County. Jeff Garner.
Trinity Center: Trinity Center helps to heal the effects of poverty and homelessness by providing permanent housing solutions and vital support services to vulnerable families and individuals. Rob Culin.
Anti-Trafficking Team: Raise awareness for and support the work of our local anti-trafficking partners. Contact Jennie.
Micah 6:8 Team: Support, organize and promote activities that demonstrate God’s mercy, justice, and compassion for others. Contact Terry.
Vulnerable Children’s Team: Support, organize and promote activities that assist vulnerable children in our area. Contact Gary.
We partner with great people around the world. See what we’re doing here.
Thailand: We have relationships with SEARCH and GROW who reach children vulnerable to trafficking and help them rebuild their lives with Jesus. Learn more about these partners and how to support their good work. For SEARCH, contact Lisa. For GROW, contact Gary. Join us for a visit soon! See 2024 Thailand Trip Updates.
Dominican Republic: In this area of the world we have relationships with Compassion International, Vision Celestial Church, and a regional pastor network Del Camino Connection. These partners are helping the vulnerable poor build better lives with Jesus. Contact Dan to get involved. See Dominican Republic Trip Updates.
Missionaries in India, Taiwan, Germany: Find out more about the great work these Hillside-supported missionaries are doing to help unreached people know and follow Jesus. Contact Kelly Gotelli.