Kids and Student Ministries

Service and Safety


To help kids and students (nursery - 12 grade) know God’s love, grow in wisdom, and love others. We do this by creating a safe, fun environment that is age-appropriate, Bible-based, and relevant to the lives of the kids and students we serve.


  1. Complete an Application

    Submit a detailed team member application form, including personal information and references.

  2. Provide References

    Include at least two references who can attest to your character and suitability for working with children or students. These references will be contacted and verified.

  3. Complete a Background Check

    Both state and federal

  4. Complete Live Scan Fingerprinting

    Schedule at Hillside or at A1 photo

  5. Sign Volunteer Policies and Manual

    Read, agree to, and sign the ministry's policies and team member manual to acknowledge understanding and commitment to its guidelines.

  6. Complete Ministry Safe Training

    This online training focuses on creating a safe environment for children and students, including recognizing and preventing abuse.

  7. Shadow an Experienced Leader

    Observe and assist an experienced leader during ministry activities to gain hands-on experience and understanding of responsibilities.

To get started, please contact:

Carley Anderson, Kids Ministry Director

Stephen Wysong, Pastor of Student Ministries