Day 5 - 2025

Saturday happens to be the day when most kids are present at the project, and we started the day with a guided drawing of Jonah and the whale. Ola took the guided drawing starting with a backdrop of the story. The kids were informed of the moral of the story that God loves all people and gives them a chance to change their ways. We also had a worship session with the kids led by Gary Cederwall with songs rendered in Spanish.

After lunch, we had a tour of the water filtration plant which is a blessing to the project and their community. This plant provides not only portable drinking water for the project but also empowers several people in the community economically as they buy clean water from the project and sell to the community for a mark up

We ended our day with a couple of home visits and a ride on the Santo Domingo Teleferico (Cable Car) from Los Americanos station to Los Alcarrizos station where we had a splendid view of the city. I would really recommend this for anyone not Acrophobic

Ola Akinyemi for the DR Team


Day 6 - 2025


Day 4 - 2025