Pastoral Housing Fund

Moving forward with plans to purchase a parsonage.

Pastoral Housing Fund

At Hillside’s annual meeting October 27, the Congregation gave enthusiastic approval to move forward with plans to purchase a house that will become a parsonage for Hillside’s current Senior Pastor and family, as well as Senior Pastors in the future. By leasing the house to our Senior Pastor at below market rates, the acquisition achieves several congregational goals:

·        Makes it easier to retain and recruit Hillside Senior Pastors.

·        Builds equity in a property that will serve Hillside now and for generations to come.

·        Enables Hillside’s Senior Pastors to live and pastor and raise a family in the community they serve.


Our plan is to create a $500,000 down payment by combining $200,000 from existing Hillside reserves with $300,000 in one-time gifts from Hillside supporters. When added to a pre-approved loan by National Covenant Properties, the target home price is $1,200,000 to $1,300,000. “We are overjoyed to report that the Hillside congregation surpassed the year-end goal of $300,000 in pledges toward the purchase of a Hillside parsonage. At the close of 2024, 49 households pledged $319,700, with the commitment to convert pledges to gifts by the end of March, 2025. Thank you Hillside for your faithful generosity!” Exceeding our goal would benefit Hillside since it would allow us to take on a smaller mortgage. We ask that pledges be converted to cash gifts in either 2024 or the first three months of 2025, whichever is preferred.


Hillside’s Financial Secretary Rod Mord has graciously agreed to be the single point of contact for recording confidential pledges. With absolutely no obligation implied or otherwise, will you please prayerfully consider an investment in Hillside’s pastoral leadership?  If you are called to do so, contact Rod directly with your pledge amount at or by phone at (925) 286-7260.  You are most welcome to reach out to me or other finance team members if you have any follow-up questions.


In Christ and for Council,


Doug Sterne, Finance Committee Chair

Wayne Freeman                                   

Matt McGuinness                                  

Kemi Ogunbameru                                ,

Mary Palmer, Hillside Director of Finance

Jim Robertson               

Brad Rutledge